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The Fresno County Democratic Central Committee has not endorsed any candidate in this race.


“Robert S. Mueller III’s findings will be public on Thursday, but some of them will not be news to President Trump. Justice Department officials have had numerous conversations with White House lawyers about the conclusions made by Mr. Mueller…”
-The New York Times, April 17, 2019

Trump appointee Attorney General William Barr is expected to release a redacted version of the Mueller Report tomorrow. This is after he “summarized” the Mueller Report for the public and after we learned that he was providing guidance to the White House on how to respond.
Transparency just doesn’t exist in this administration — we need to take action.
The Attorney General is supposed to work for all of us, for every American — not for the White House. Barr is not the President’s personal lawyer, he is America’s lawyer. We need to demand full transparency from our Justice Department in this matter of extraordinary national importance.  
I can’t do this without you, team. If we’re going to demand transparency, we need to make our voices heard — all the way to the White House.

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It’s time for leadership that can reignite our spirit of common purpose.