The Fresno County Democratic Central Committee has not endorsed any candidate in this race.
We’re wrapping up one of the most productive legislative sessions California has seen, and I want to make sure you didn’t miss the highlights. I am honored to represent you and your family’s interests in the work I do every day, and I hope you’re as proud of what we accomplished in 2017 as I am.
I’m especially proud of the passage of Senate Bill 17, an essential step towards controlling healthcare costs. I’ve worked on this bill for years because never has it been more clear that predatory drug pricing is the new norm for Big Pharma’s profit-hungry industry. SB 17 is simple, fair, and protects consumers from the rising costs of prescription drug prices in California.
Here are some of the issues my fellow Legislative colleagues and I worked together on these last few months:
- Helping solving California’s housing crisis: We passed a package of bills to start addressing this dire issue. These bills are the first major legislative effort to fix the problem in years.
- Improving California’s roads: We passed a $5.2 billion a year plan to maintain California’s roads and transportation infrastructure, create jobs, and make roads safer.
- Committing to California’s green spaces and water quality: We’re placing a $4 billion plan on the June 2018 ballot to address park access, water quality, and flood protection to preserve California’s precious environment.
- Extending California’s Cap-and-Trade Program: We renewed California’s commitment to global leadership on climate change and protecting public health by improving air quality in communities throughout our state.
- Giving our students much-needed financial help: We expanded funding for CalGrants, increasing the amount to over $11,000 per student.
- Protecting our Immigrant Communities: We’re making our communities safer. We are ensuring our undocumented friends, neighbors, and family will be able to report crimes to local law enforcement and help in prosecutions without fear of deportation.
I’m running for Lieutenant Governor of California to bring people together and get things done. California has a real opportunity to send Washington a message — we’re going to put in the work to remain a beacon of hope and progress, with fairness, equality, and economic justice.
But I can’t do it alone. Will you chip in $5, $10, $15 or more to help us meet our this critical fundraising goal?
Thank you for standing with me,
Dr. Ed