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News from Representative Costa

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Dear Friend,

It’s been a difficult year so far. I’ve been working hard to deliver results for the people of the Valley. Despite the unprecedented challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic, we have remained strong. Here are some of what I’ve accomplished for you so far in 2020:  



Since passing the CARES Act in April, I’ve succeeded in bringing important relief funding back to California and Valley communities: 

Paycheck Protection Program:

  • $277 million in loans for small businesses
  • 49,000 jobs saved
  • 6,700 business locations preserved

Coronavirus Relief Fund: 

  • $92.7 million – Fresno City
  • $81.5 million – Fresno County

Coronavirus Food Assistance Program:

  • $345 million – California farmers

Here’s a comprehensive list on actions I’ve taken to address the COVID-19 pandemic.


Improving Healthcare in the Valley

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After a decades long fight to improve access to healthcare for residents of the San Joaquin Valley, in January, I introduced the Expanding Medical Education Act, which works to establish medical training in areas of high need, with priorities for funding given to institutions, such as UCSF Fresno, that focus on diverse and medically deprived communities. 

I’m proud to report that back in May, the Heroes Act adopted my legislative text and included $1 billion in funding for medical school construction, expansion, and training in under served areas. I’m continuing to work to ensure this provision is included in the next COVID-19 relief package. It’s now more apparent than ever that we need to address doctor shortages in the San Joaquin Valley.  

Improving Access to Clean, Reliable Water Supplies


Following the water crisis in Dos Palos, I convened a meeting with leaders at the local, state, and federal levels, including Assemblymember Adam Gray, USDA, the State Water Resources Control Board and Mayor Hogue, to help secure key grant funding to help replace Dos Palos antiquated water systems. I’m proud to say we’re one step closer to ensuring access to a clean and reliable water supply for the people of Dos Palos.

I’ve also helped secure funding to repair our aging water infrastructure, including: 

  • $108.8 million for WIIN Act storage projects 
    • $71 million for Friant-Kern Canal pre-construction and construction.  
    • $7.845 million for the Los Vaqueros Reservoir Phase 2 Expansion Project  
    • $3 million for the Delta Mendota Canal Subsidence Correction Project  
    • $4 million for the Sites Reservoir Project  
    • $1.5 million for the Del Puerto Water District reservoir project  
    • $1.7 million for the San Luis Low Point Improvement Project 
  • $950 million in funding for water infrastructure grants for small and disadvantaged communities
  • $610 million for rural water systems to assist communities such as Dos Palos repair and construct drinking water infrastructure
  • $300 million for WaterSMART Grants

Protecting Valley Agriculture

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Providing assistance to our agriculture community – farmers, farmworkers and their partners – is essential to our national security. In May, I released a framework to provide critical support to the nation’s agriculture industry, which has suffered significant losses during the COVID-19 pandemic. I’m proud to report that key points of this framework were included in the Heroes Act. I will continue to push for additional assistance to help farmers in the next COVID-19 relief package.


Since the start of the 116th Congress, the House has passed over 600 bills, of which 150 were signed into law with bipartisan support. This is perhaps the most productive end-of-the-year Session since I’ve been in Congress. We’ve passed ten of our twelve appropriations bills so our country can have a budget that reflects our needs. In addition, we’ve also passed many other pieces of legislation that help the people of our Valley and our country during these difficult times. 

Here are some examples of what we’ve accomplished: 


As we move forward, I will continue to fight to advance your interests and address your concerns as I represent you in Washington. Please remember that I’m here to help. If my office can assist you, please contact us.


Jim Costa
Member of Congress

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