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News from Representative Costa

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Dear Friend,

After a busy week in Washington, I traveled back to California to spend the weekend in the district and visit the State Capitol in Sacramento to discuss important issues like water, healthcare, and infrastructure. Now, back in DC, we will tackle key legislation on healthcare that will affect people in CA-16 and across our state. Here are some of the highlights for the week of May 6th: 

Meeting with Governor Gavin Newsom


On Monday, I met with Governor Newsom about a range of issues facing our state. From strengthening the resiliency of our Valley’s water supply to keeping High Speed Rail on track, I made it clear to the Governor that the issues facing the San Joaquin Valley have important implications for the rest of California. 

We had a productive meeting, and his most recent Executive Order confirms his commitment to tackling our state’s water crisis. I look forward to working with him and other state and federal legislators to find solutions. 


Protecting Preexisting Conditions

This week, the House passed H.R. 986 – the Protecting Americans with Preexisting Conditions Act of 2019 . I voted in support of this legislation, which would restore protections for people with preexisting conditions under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The ACA has benefited thousands of people in our district, reducing the number of uninsured from 25% down to 10%. The provision protecting people with preexisting conditions has had a significant impact on the health of Americans and I’m pleased Congress acted to preserve it today. 

Read my statement on Facebook and watch my floor speech below:


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Blue Dolphin Engineering


As we observe National Small Business Week, I took time to visit Blue Dolphin Engineering in Fresno. Small businesses like Blue Dolphin make up the backbone of our economy – driving innovation and supplying jobs. Congress needs to continue looking for ways to encourage entrepreneurship and support this crucial sector. 

Upcoming Events in My District: 

Check out these events happening across the district: 

Planada Parade:

Come and participate in this exhibition of the rich community culture we have all around our Valley. Saturday, May 11th from 8:00am to 3:00pm there will be live music, dancers, games, and delicious barbecue. Don’t miss it!

More event details and contact information here.




Mother’s Day with Arte Americas

Come celebrate mothers at a mariachi brunch at Arte Americas in downtown Fresno.

This event is connected with CAMINOS, the first Arte Americas exhibit of the year, which tells the story of Latino history here in our Valley through artwork and photographs.



Congressional Art Competition:

Come see what our talented students have been working on!

Fresno & Madera:

On Monday, May 13th, we will be hosting a reception at Arte Americas in Fresno, to showcase over 30 pieces of art from participating schools around the two counties. For more information, please contact my Fresno Office.


Merced County Veteran Services Mobile Office:

Need help with your VA Claims? Stop by Veterans Memorial Hall at 145 5TH St in Gustine, CA to see an accredited claims representative between 2:30pm and 5:30pm on Tuesday, May 14th who can help with:

  • Comprehensive Benefits Counseling
  • Claims Preparation and Submission
  • Claims Follow-Up
  • Appeals
  • Networking and Advocacy

Be sure to bring the following documentation and information to ensure you have everything you need:

  1. Discharge Papers (DD214)
  2. Marriage Certificates
  3. Divorce Decrees
  4. Birth Certs. for Dependents
  5. Social Security Documents
  6. Death Certificates




Welcoming the Next Generation of Valley Leaders

Congratulations to this year’s 2019 Graduating Class!

Both UC Merced and Fresno State will be holding their commencement ceremonies next Saturday, May 18th.

Madera Community College will hold theirs May 23rd, and Fresno City College and Merced College will hold theirs on May 24th.

Come and recognize what these bright students have accomplished.


Recent News Coverage: 


Jim Costa
Member of Congress

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Fresno Office
855 M Street
Suite 940
Fresno, CA 93721

Merced Office
2222 M Street
Suite 305
Merced, CA 95340

Washington, DC
2081 Rayburn
House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

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