On the Road. What is it about Mike?
Mike has been traveling around the state and speaking to as many delegates, Central Committees and Clubs as he can get to. The one thing these events have in common is that his message is well received. Mike’s platform and ideas strike a chord with almost every CDP delegate. He has never gotten through the whole speech in the 2 minutes but has gotten the whole thing out with some Q&A. You are bound to have questions send him an email at: MikeForController@Thallers.com
Mike’s Stump Speech, platform, ideas, and ideals
I’m Mike Thaller, Chair of the Progressive Caucus and I am running for CDP Controller.
What do you love about the party and why do we all do this? I think it is that we get a say in what and who the party supports. For example…
- How many of you are anti-fracking (show of hands.) OK How about…
- How many of you are in favor of SB562, the Bill that, in my opinion, is what ObamaCare should have been. It is basically “Medicare for All” and takes the Insurance Industry profits out of the picture. (Hold up SB562 “Healthcare is a Human Right” poster and show of hands.)
As a Caucus Chair and as CDP Controller my concerns are the influence of “Dark Money” AND the lack of influence by us; the Central Committees, Caucuses, Delegates, and the voters when “Dark Money” comes in on an issue. For example…
- A couple years ago an oil company “donated” thousands to the Party and then the Party was neutral on the endorsement of an anti-fracking bill.
- Can you imagine how much the insurance industry will “donate” to keep SB-562 from passing!?
I might ruffle some feathers by saying this, but sometimes it seems like the party is controlled much more by the big industry lobbyists than by us and even the legislators.
We have to have money to exist, so we can’t cut it off “Cold Turkey,” but as Controller I will start weaning the party off of Dark Money and on to those who believe in us and our ideals. I believe that when our voters and donors see that the process has started, they will come back and donate to the party again and vote for our candidates and favored propositions.
There is a question no one asks me. “Are you qualified to be CDP Controller?” Well, I was Controller for a film and video production company and again for an on-line educational materials company. I am the treasurer of two Federal PACs and was treasurer of a state PAC and as many as three Democratic clubs at the same time. As Chair of the Progressive Caucus and co-founder and spokesman for the “Caucus of Caucuses” my connections are with the people of the Democratic Party. And…
A related question that I am not asked is, “Just what does the CDP Controller do?” I’ll go into more detail later, but, the Controller is not the fundraiser for “big ticket” donors, but drives fundraising by potentially hiring fundraisers for the party who then work for a commission. I will raise money based on the principles of what and who we believe in and I’ll do that without making a profit for myself.
I will also ask the delegates, causes, central committees, and Democratic legislators just how we should spend that money with an emphasis on new ideas.
WE are the Democratic Party.
I am Mike Thaller – for Controller of the California Democratic Party
Earlier this month, the Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) held a debate between Kimberly Ellis and Eric Bauman. The debate was quite revealing. If you would like to hear it, or hear it again, you can do so by CLICKING HERE.
PDA is a national organization founded by Tim Carpenter a CDP delegate, when he was still living in Orange County. Tim passed away three years ago this week. As ill as he was, he was hard at work on Progressive causes and convincing Bernie Sanders to run for President to the end. …What an inspiration.
PDA focuses on national campaigns and issues, but these issues are also of prime concern to Californians. PDA is not affiliated with the Democratic Party. We urge you to learn more about PDA at www.PDAmerica.org and consider joining like I did ten years or so ago. There is no cost to join, but donations, no doubt, are always welcome. 🙂
The debate was a little different. PDA does not have “a dog in this hunt,” so this debate was strictly to educate those of us who will be voting. Approximately 400 of the 3,300 CDP delegates are PDA members, including the two PDA California State Coordinators who organized it for the benefit of those 400. BUT, our email list is only a fraction of the CDP delegates, so if you know anyone who may not receive this, please FORWARD it to them. (Please use the link rather than forwarding this email, so they don’t accidentally unsubscribe you.) While you at it, ask them to join our subscriber list or Donate to the campaign to help fund more events.
The candidates filled in questionnaires before the debate that I recommend you review.
Download and read Eric Bauman’s responses here.
Download and read Kimberly Ellis’s responses here.
Scroll down and click the green download button. |