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 Delaine Easton is a 2018 candidate for Governor. The Fresno County Democratic Central Committee has not endorsed any candidate in this race.

Well-behaved women rarely make history, as the saying goes. I can add to that statement – well behaved women in dresses rarely make history. As a member of the California State Assembly I supported a new law that allowed women to wear pants to work. PANTS. We actually had to write a law to allow women to wear pants to work.

I was reminded of this yesterday when Democratic women wore suffragist white for the Joint Session of Congress as part of the pledge to fight for equal pay, family leave, and more. It is maddening that we are still fighting for these basic rights and that we have elected a president who appears unable to see women as equal on any level.

As we begin Women’s History Month, let us also note that California has never had a governor who was a woman. It is about time. I am grateful I received the early endorsement of the National Women’s Political Caucus of California, and that so many of you have provided early financial support of my campaign. It is true that, especially for women, early support is the game changer that allows us to move forward.

During the month of March, I’m inviting women across California to become founding members of Women for Delaine and commit to a monthly contribution to my campaign of $25, $50 or even more, to help our campaign have the steady resources needed to reach voters across California.

Our goal is 250 new monthly supporters – will you join Women for Delaine?

There are so many public policy and budget considerations that have an impact on women’s lives, and your financial support of my campaign is about helping women and families thrive in California. From equal pay for equal work, prenatal care, paid maternity leave, women and children’s nutrition programs, preschool for all, child development for working mothers, and more – we have a lot to fight for, and I need you by my side.

Please take a moment today – during Women’s History Month – to join Women for Delaine by committing to a monthly contribution that will help me during the course of my campaign.

It is harder for women to win statewide elected offices, such as governorships. California elects eight constitutional officers every four years; we have elected only eight women in the history of California, and currently have only one constitutional officer who is female. Yes, I am the most qualified candidate, and I would be our first woman governor. Let’s make herstory together.

As I said in my first race, and I continue to say today, #WeCanDoBetter. And we must.

For a better California,
