Bruce and I love to hike. We’ve been all over, from Bryce Canyon in Utah to Alaska to the Cape Cod National Seashore in our backyard.
America’s public lands are one of our greatest treasures. They provide us with clean air and water, sustain our fish and wildlife, and offer a place where millions of Americans go every year to experience the beauty of our natural environment. At 25% of America’s total land, they are also an irreplaceable resource.
But right now, they’re under attack. The Trump administration is busy selling off our public lands to the oil, gas, and coal industries for pennies on the dollar — expanding fossil fuel extraction that destroys pristine sites across the country while pouring an accelerant on our climate crisis.
It doesn’t have to be this way. That’s why today I’m rolling out my plan to protect our public lands — to fight climate change and preserve wild, natural places for future generations.
With this new plan, we’ll ban new fossil fuel drilling offshore and on our public lands, generate more renewable energy from them instead, establish free entry to all national parks, and more.
Sign our petition and join the fight if you support more protection for public lands.
Here are a few big pieces of my plan:
- On my first day as president, I’ll sign an executive order that calls for a total moratorium on all fossil fuel drilling offshore and on public lands
- Set a goal of getting at least 10 percent of America’s overall electricity generation from renewables offshore and on public lands — nearly ten times what we’re currently generating
- Keep our public lands in public hands, and restore protections to the national monuments targeted by this administration
- Maintain and improve our public lands — including a 21st Century Civilian Conservation Corps, creating jobs for thousands of young Americans caring for our natural resources
- Provide free entry — for everyone — to all of our national parks
There’s no better illustration of how backwards our public lands strategy is than the fact that today, we hand over drilling rights to fossil fuel companies for practically no money at all — and then turn around and charge families who make the minimum wage more than a day’s pay to access our parks.
It’s long past time to ensure that visiting our nation’s treasures is within reach for every American family.
While we’re getting all this done, we’ll make sure that state, local, and tribal officials have a real role in managing our public lands, and that their voices are heard through meaningful consultation and coordination.
America’s public lands belong to all of us. We should start acting like it — expanding access, ending fossil fuel extraction, leveraging them as part of the climate solution, and preserving and improving them for our children and grandchildren.
Together, we can make sure we manage and protect our public lands for generations to come. But it’s going to take all of us fighting against large fossil fuel companies to get it done. Add your name to say you’re all in for our pro-climate vision for public lands.
Thanks for being a part of this,
Elizabeth doesn’t accept contributions from PACs of any kind or federally registered lobbyists. This grassroots movement is powered by supporters like you. Chip in now to help build our movement.