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The Fresno County Democratic Central Committee has not endorsed any candidate in this race.


Today, we witnessed a vote that has begun the process of dismantling the Affordable Care Act. This bill will let insurance companies overcharge patients with pre-existing conditions and allow states to decide what they want to cover. The truly heinous part about this vote is that the House Republicans did not allow a hearings process to debate the bill, they did not wait for the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) to release their expected impact of the bill and now millions of Americans are one step closer to losing their healthcare.

Even though this is a nationwide travesty, this really hits home for the 3-4 million Californians that are on the brink of losing their health coverage. We must work together to stop these out of touch politicians in Washington from ruining the lives of so many hard-working Americans.

This isn’t the world that I want to live in.  House Republicans want to replace and deface the ACA— I want to improve and embrace it.  I know you do too, and together we will.  That’s why I support SB 562, the Healthy California Act, making sure that California has an alternative and takes a different road.


In Solidarity,


John Chiang for Governor 2018

P/S: California shows why the Republican plan to rely on states to replace Obamacare may not work