A few hours ago, I cast a vote on the Senate floor to cancel President Trump’s national emergency declaration.
Trump’s inability to follow through on his campaign promise to build a wall is not a national emergency. And my vote today is a rebuke of his most repeated promise because this wall runs counter to our most fundamental values and it’s a massive waste of taxpayer dollars.
I’ve always believed that what you say about other people often says more about you.
For the past two years, I’ve listened to this president use words like invasion, infestation, and alien to describe immigrants coming to our nation — many fleeing violence and oppression in their home countries. Using that kind of harmful, dehumanizing rhetoric about human beings trying to give their families a better life is against everything this country must always stand for.
We are a nation that’s going to be defined by how we uplift the dignity of other people — seeing the humanity in others no matter where they come from.
We’re at a time where leaders like Trump are trying to instill fear in all of us and make us afraid of each other, because he knows that’s the only way he can win.
But I refuse to surrender to that kind of cynicism. Right now in this fight, there are agents of fear and agents of love — which one will you be?
Keep fighting,