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On Tues‌day, the nation watched as millions of Californians went to the polls and made their voices heard: They are ready for the Blue Wave in 2018! And that wave begins in California.

It has never been more clear that our CDP-endorsed congressional candidates are strong progressives who will fight in Congress on behalf of their district and all Californians. They are a key part of the plan to #TakeBackTheHouse.

But, while we celebrate their victories, we can’t forget that this fight is far from over. Now, it’s time for us to gear up for November — because the real test of our strength has just begun.

Will you help us build the strong foundation we’ll need to power our congressional candidates to victory in November by pitching in $20.18 or more right now?

If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

$10 »
$20.18 »
$50 »
$100 »
$250 »

I know that, come November, we will stand up to Trump’s Congressional Clones and take back Congress for good. I know that we are strong enough to power the Big Blue Wave here in California.

But we’re going to need you to help us prove it.

Please, pitch in $20.18 or more right now to make sure we have the resources necessary to take back the House this fall.

Democratically Yours,

Eric C. Bauman, Chair
California Democratic Party