Last night at our CNN town hall, I shared what I believe is the true difference between myself and Donald Trump.
Donald Trump wants to make us scared. He wants to fence us in, limit what being American means and what we can do for this world and for each other. His vision for America is one built on pessimism.
But you and I know that’s not what our country is about. The most renewable fuel in America is perseverance. And that’s a good thing, because we have a lot of work ahead of us.
I believe our country can do big things again. We can justly transform our economy toward a clean energy future and create millions of good-paying jobs in the process. We put a man on the moon. I know we can and we will build a greener, cleaner country for every American.
So let’s be clear: This campaign is built on nothing less than a deep sense of optimism about what our country is made of. We will face our future with bold optimism and bold plans to match it. That’s why I’m running for president.
That was my message during my CNN Town Hall. That’s the message I’ll use to beat Donald Trump come November 2020. And that’s the message I’d like to bring to the debates this summer.
If you’re ready for an America that’s built on optimism once again, and not on Donald Trump’s platform of pessimism, I’m asking you to step up today: Be one of 5,000 CNN Town Hall donors by donating $1 or more right now.
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Very truly yours,
No fossil fuel money. No corporate PACs. Just you. Join our movement to elect a president who will defeat climate change.