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News from Representative Costa

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Dear Friend,

As your representative in Washington, it is crucial that I hear from you as I work on bipartisan policy solutions to address the challenges people of the Valley face every day.

To directly share your priorities with me for Congress after the first 100 days, please answer the survey below.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact me regarding any federal issues of your concern. To stay up-to-date on the work I am doing in Congress, please visit my website and sign up for my e-newsletter here. You can also follow my work and events in our Valley on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.


Jim Costa
Member of Congress

Click here to subscribe to my e-newsletter

Please select the three issues you think are the most important for Congress to work on this year, on behalf of our country.

[ ]Immigration reform

[ ]Trade

[ ]Water

[ ]Agriculture

[ ]Healthcare

[ ]Education

[ ]Balancing the federal budget/fiscal responsibility

[ ]National security

[ ]Net neutrality

[ ]Veterans issues/benefits

[ ][          ]


[Submit]Click to open in a separate window

Note: By participating in this survey, you are subscribing to my eNewsletter

Fresno Office
855 M Street
Suite 940
Fresno, CA 93721

Merced Office
2222 M Street
Suite 305
Merced, CA 95340

Washington, DC
2081 Rayburn
House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

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