House Republicans just passed their bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Help us raise $100,000 to throw them out of office — chip in $10 or more today and get your donation matched.
House Republicans just voted to take health care away from 24 million Americans and put millions of people with pre-existing conditions in life-threatening danger.
They voted to let more illnesses go untreated and to force more families to have to choose between paying medical bills and putting food on the table. And because they knew how dangerous this vote would be, they even initially tried to exempt themselves from the consequences. Trumpcare for us, Obamacare for themselves.
it’s time to make Republicans pay for this act of cruelty, and the only way we do that is by kicking them out of Congress. Help us raise $100,000 to beat them and fight for our values — chip in now, and a group of generous donors from Physician Women for Democratic Principles will match your contribution dollar-for-dollar.
Your donation will help us do things like win two seats in Congress right away in Montana and Georgia, take on every single Republican who just voted for this, and stand with Senate Democrats who are our last line of defense against this despicable bill becoming law.
You’ve already done so much to make your voice heard on this all-important issue. But the GOP needs to understand that we won’t stop at calling their offices or raising hell at town halls.
If Republicans won’t listen to their constituents, then we’ll throw them out of office. It’s that simple.
Help us send that message today. Pitch in $10 or whatever you can towards our $100,000 goal and get your donation matched.
If you’ve saved your payment information, your donation will go through immediately.
Or donate another amount.
Tom Perez
Democratic National Committee