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When voters in CA-21 find out he’s been Trump’s reliable “Yes-Man” — it’s bye bye Valadao…..

TJ Cox for Congress

Quick update.

Valadao is out with a new TV ad in our district — and it’s terrible.

For starters, he doesn’t talk about anything he’s done for the district, because the truth is, he hasn’t actually accomplished anything in Congress. But he does have one accomplishment under his belt — taking Trump’s money and voting with him 99% of the time. Never forget:

Valadao is trying to hide what he’s really been up to in Washington, and it’s no secret why. When voters in CA-21 find out he’s been Trump’s reliable “Yes-Man” — it’s bye bye Valadao.

It’s time to send Valadao packing. Can you chip in to TJ’s campaign so we can defeat Valadao and bring real representation back to the Central Valley?


TJ Cox for Congress




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