The Fresno County Democratic Central Committee has not endorsed any candidate in this race.
You can really feel it out there. Momentum for Beto continues to grow. The energy on the ground this weekend was palpable. The Independence Day Parade in Independence, Iowa drew working parents, kids, veterans, climate activists, and people from all walks of life. Just look: Later in the day, Beto visited Williams, Iowa, a community of 332 – and 100 people showed up. He made time to talk to everyone he possibly could – not one person left out.
He spoke to educators over the weekend too, for the annual National Education Association conference in Houston. Then, on a holiday Sunday, in a state this campaign had never been to, 1,000 people turned out to our rally in Nashville. “It felt like a University of Tennessee football game in here,” (as one local writer put it). And just yesterday, Beto held a roundtable on immigration, listening to perspectives, ideas, and a diversity of experiences from Dreamers, refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants from the world over. This campaign is about going everywhere, showing up for everyone, and focusing on people every single day. And no matter what a few people on Twitter say, we are seeing excitement for Beto in towns and cities everywhere we go. Our ground-game is strong. We’re not counting anyone out. And Beto’s doing real work that no other candidate is doing. But there’s a danger we won’t have the resources to keep him on the road if enough people don’t pitch in now. Thank you for being part of this, Team Beto If you’ve stored your info with ActBlue Express, we’ll process your contribution instantly:
Paid for by Beto for America This campaign is powered by grassroots supporters like you. To contribute via check, please address to Beto for America campaign, P.O. Box 3628 El Paso, TX 79923. |