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The Fresno County Democratic Central Committee has not endorsed any candidate in this race. –




It’s no secret – these are troubling times for our country. From the extremists and radical agenda in Congress to our chaos-infused and dysfunctional White House, we’re clearly not in normal times. All we’ve seen from day one of Trump’s Presidency is empty rhetoric, divisive promises, and no help for those that need it most.


That’s why what we do, here, in California, is more     important and pressing than ever. It’s also why I have such enormous faith that California will continue to step up, and help pave the way for a progressive, inclusive and compassionate future for all the great people of our state. California is and should be the beacon of deep blue light to lead our country. We can do more and should do more.



The 2016 elections were a wake up call to all Democratic voters that we need to create a stronger local and state level support base. Having a strong Democratic base will allow our party to effectively prepare for the fight against Trump’s downright toxic and backwards agenda, now and forever.



As California’s Democratic Party Controller, I will modernize our party’s entire fundraising apparatus by utilizing mobile apps and other technologies to increase the low-dollar party contributions that were so effectively used by Bernie Sanders’ groundbreaking presidential campaign. We can and must build an army of low dollar donors to the CDP if we hope to continue our deep blue strength. I’ll work to find ways to increase financial support and participation in County Parties and Local Clubs. This will help to build the necessary grassroots efforts needed to grow our ranks, elect more Democrats and win in 2018 and beyond. I will also work to make sure that party leaders are accountable and responsible to the California Democratic Party. I also have a goal of creating a low or no cost childcare program at every CDP E-board meeting and Convention. This will ensure that all parents have an opportunity to participate in party activity and we walk the walk in regards to the needs of working families.



That’s why today I am reaching out to ask for your financial support of my campaign for Controller of the California Democratic Party. Your contribution of $1000, $500, $100 or whatever you can afford will ensure I complete the necessary traveling to meet with Democratic State Central Committee members. My campaign team is preparing everything they can for the CDP Convention May 19th and your contribution will guarantee we are ready in time.



I am very proud of the support I have received from leaders throughout the state. I would love to have you personally support my candidacy, please do so by clicking here. I am counting on your support at Convention in May. Together we can remold and refresh the California Democratic Party and guarantee the California Dream is a deeper shade of blue.


With Gratitude,

 Daniel C. Weitzman