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I’m going to get straight to the point. We’re already being outspent by our opponent’s right-wing billionaires.

Marshall Tuck’s billionaire backers are the same ones who funded Betsy Devos’s education initiatives and candidates.

Marshall Tuck’s billionaire supporter like Howard Fieldstead Ahmanson, Jr. is the same one who funded the anti-LGBT Proposition 8 right here in California.

And now they have dropped $2 million dollars in commercials that are about to flood the Los Angeles airwaves.

I am proud to be the Democratic Party’s choice, public school teachers’ choice, and Senator Kamala Harris’s choice. I don’t take right wing extremist money. MY campaign is powered by the people. Now I need your help to fight back!

There is a reason my campaign has built a coalition of working class people. We are not bought by the highest bidder. We are fighting for public education that serves students, not Wall Street.

In solidarity


Paid for by Tony Thurmond for Superintendent of Public Instruction 2018

Tony Thurmond for Superintendent of Public Instruction 2018
PO Box 2145
Richmond CA 94802 United States