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Los Angeles – California Democratic Party Chair Eric C. Bauman released the following statement in reaction to the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court:

The Republican Party has no shame and no soul. Todays vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh is nothing less than an assault on every woman in America. It shows the Republican Party is utterly devoid of humanity and decency. Even formerly respected senators like Susan Collins and Jeff Flake have proved they are just the same disgusting swamp creatures as Mitch McConnell, and collectively they have reduced the Supreme Court to just another outlet for Fox News dystopian agenda.

If Democrats win control of either house of Congress in November, we should begin immediate hearings into Donald Trumps unlawful and destructive behavior as well as Brett Kavanaughs perjury before the US Senate. And the next time Democrats control Congress and the White House one of our highest priorities must be healing a damaged and broken federal judiciary.

The United States Senate has disgraced itself today. Its up to the millions of Americans who are feeling righteous anger including the millions of survivors of sexual violence who have been violated all over again today to rise up and defeat every single Republican who betrayed our Country by voting to confirm this lying predator to the Supreme Court.


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