Here’s the truth: Congress has refused to pass any legislation to fight climate change and global warming. Instead, Republican majorities in both chambers are working to undo the rules that keep our air clean and protect our future.
I’m running for Senate because we need a fighter in Washington who will stand up to climate change deniers like Donald Trump and work to pass national climate change legislation that promotes innovative solutions, like establishing a carbon tax or creating a cap-and-trade market for carbon pollution.
Now I want to talk about something specific that has been bugging me on this issue: there has not been a single question about climate change at any of the presidential or vice presidential debates we’ve had up to this point.
That is ridiculous. Climate change is one of the gravest threats facing our nation right now, and millions of Americans deserve to know how Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will address it.
I understand that one of the great strengths of my state is its dramatic beauty and environmental diversity — from the tall, mist-shrouded redwoods to vast desert vistas; from stunning sandy beaches to rushing rivers and the soaring Sierra Nevada mountains; from productive agricultural valleys to rolling, oak-studded hills.
And we can all recognize that climate change is a grave threat to what makes each of our communities special.
While California received some rain and snow last winter, we’re now in the fifth year of drought. Warm weather gave us what state officials are calling a “snow drought” – resulting in below-average runoff from the snowpack, often called California’s “largest reservoir.” We don’t know what next year will bring. Climate change is a clear threat to our water supply, public health, and our economy.
With so much happening related to climate change, the moderator of the final presidential debate has a responsibility to address it.
Thanks for everything you do.
– Kamala